Practice Areas

Our firm specializes in Corporate Law, with more of a decade of extensive experience in serving national and international clients from different areas, whether multinational companies or small businesspersons and/or entrepreneurs.
We offer legal advice on all corporate aspects. From the incorporation of simple companies or through the direct establishment of a branch or representative office, bylaws and custom shareholder agreements, as well as companies with special regulations, always in strict compliance with the current regulations in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
We have extensive experience in the management of corporate hermeneutics, accompanying and advising clients at every step in the analysis and decision-making for a correct and effective management of their businesses in Bolivia.
As a result of the new globalized commercial market, the Bolivian corporate and commercial regulatory framework is undergoing several modifications, aimed at reducing bureaucracy and simplifying the requirements for the different procedures. We are constantly updating regulations in order to keep our clients informed about the latest advances in this matter.
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